welcome to my splatoon mini blog!! i would be prety good if the house wifi router had antenas (this is not a joke i cry for help)

3/20/24 - Fresh season!!(was a while ago)!!!

wow guys arent we hype for this brand new season yayy! anyway I was right, naut79 and c-explo are Awsome!! Triple splashdown is just such a fun get off me tool, especially on explo because now i cant get tortured.

I havnet been playing as much of those two lately. Ive been doing alot of Painbrush Neuvo recently, idk why but Im very close to four stars so yayyy. Also today I hit four stars on big swing express, what can I say I love splatzones!! Its literaly all i play, zone cheese is my middle name baybe!!

2/20/24 - man i don't think i like splatfest

What a way to start!! yeah so team friday one,,, idk how i feel about that but ive got a couple issues. but why are tricolor battles worth 18 whole points i dont understand. like 66% of votes and LAST place.. unjust who cursed her.

anyway moving away from mirror match hell, new Nautilus and Exsplo!! God It took so long but we made it!!! im really sad explo didnt get any kind of bomb, man even curling. Wall,,, splash wall is fine but Triple splashdown will do..uh SOMTHING TRUST!!! i feel the same for Nautilus 79, like I was hype when i saw it and then I saw it. I think splashdown on Naut will work but there were better choices.

speaking of better choices: Dread Wringer D. God Why! any other sub and it would have been mediocre. "providing support by dropping little structures all over the map!" ^^ yayyy horray!11!! im so excited!!!!

current bulid!

2/20/24 -
